State of Montana Moodle

Is this your first time here?

Login or Create a New User  

For first time users: 

Select “Create a new account” and complete the required fields as noted by an asterisk (*). You will create a username and password which will be specific to you and your training; please be sure to record this information for your records to ensure you
are able to return to your training. Note: The primary email you enter must be unique. This email is used to issue certificates and send updates.   

Returning users:

  • Enter your Username and password and click on the Login button. 

Forgot your username or password:

  • If you cannot remember your username or password, click on the “Forgot username or password?” link located under the “Create new account” sign in information. 
  • To reset your password, submit your username or your email address. If we can find you in the database, an email will be sent to your email address, with instructions how to get access again. 
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